After a brief period of grief, Heather decided that we could play her adventure if someone played Syrik in his absence, so a brief delay and we were off. We faced a few creatures that should not have been all that hard for us, but our horrible rolling made it a challenge. We had some brief negotiations with creepy evil dudes in a torture room. Despite the Paladin trying to spare them for some unknown reason (perhaps trying to appease his god Heinous), the wizard fried one and the druid decapitated the other. Then a huge Spore-ball rolled and spit acid at us. The wizard and gnomes flew over it, and attacked from the other side.
A quick tour of some nasty jail cells and the gnomes aggravated some hobgoblins, then some bugbears. The rogue earned the nickname "GnomeKey" since the others couldn't get through a door without her. They met a man named William who was locked in a cell, but the only one still alive. A well meaning cleric & druid cast create water to give him a shower with the rogues soap. Unfortunately they forgot to unshackle him first!
We ventured on to battle a gold statue and have a lot of trouble crossing a log trying various balance beam strategies. Unbeknownst to us, the battle of a lifetime awaited when we came across some trolls. That's right, a group of trolls nearly got the best of us. This was due to a few things:
- -The wizard started by shocking himself accidentally.
- -The paladin hit the wall more than the trolls
- -The cleric ran out of healing spells and had to use her backup wand
- -The wolf was protecting William and not in the fight.
- -The trolls eventually figured out the main fighters kept getting healed and spotted the source, switching their aim to the cleric.
- -The druid spent several rounds with hp under 15
- -The rogue managed to jam her crossbow, after being shot in the foot by her sister earlier.
- -The wizard ran out of spells and resorted to his quarterstaff.
The first battle that the cleric truly earned her keep, and we really began to wonder if we all would make it out alive. Truly a great adventure