Saturday has those crazy gamers meeting again. After watching the local high school's Prom walk on t.v., it was discovered that the soup had simmered a bit too much. So an emergency pizza call was made and the newest chapter of the game began.
The Players:
Pearl the Wizard (Gnome) and Prickles the Hedgehog
Onyx the Rouge (her twin)
Roc the Paladin (½ elf)
Wolfgang the Druid (½ elf) and Ruger the Wolf
When last this adventure ran, our group had saved an entire town. As we tuned in, the group was still surrounded by the celebrating village and were rewarded with any free item from the local merchant. The Paladin, Roc, took this time to try a sell the shield which was gifted to him by Pearl. (This was followed by much discussion over Roc's ungratefulness.

) After much time browsing the shop, Onyx ended up with some cool gauntlets, Pearl got some magic robes(she didn't get in time), Roc found a lion shield, and Wolfgang got a much needed ring of protection.
The group then headed off to the tavern to continue enjoying their hero status with free dinners. Roc immediately started looking for evil to fight, but the closest he could find was the town's whore. Pearl watched as Roc tried to save her. Somehow, his words and flashing his holy symbol didn't sway her and after giving both her and her “friend” 5g each, Roc gave up.
Meanwhile, Onyx was providing the unknowingly Wolfgang with an unending supply of ale.
The group then headed to the inn and had to stop Wolfgang from turning into a bear to scare the townsfolk. (This is what he comes up with when drunk?

All is peaceful at the inn except a little night visit to Wolfgang's room by Onyx who's trying to search through his belongings. Unfortunately, or fortunately (depending on which side your on), Ruger was guarding over his passed-out master, and Wolfgang woke to find the rogue spilling a story about wanting to try to take the large, scary wolf for a mid-night walk. And he believed it, or just wanted to go back to sleep.
Morning arrives with much commotion. A large house on the far side of town is on fire and everyone is running to it. But once there, our hero's notice that no one is actually doing anything about the blaze except watch. There is a child heard and 3 of the heroes run around back to go to the rescue(guess which one didn't

). Once inside, a ring of fire appears and so does the demon, Na-athar. (This was corrected spelling handed down by DM.)
(Out of game, the rogue gets a text telling her she doesn't have to go back to work....there is a quick happy dance, some 'whoo hoos' and they head back into the game.

Roc suddenly falls through a hole in the floor. There's a small incident involving a bucket of water to some one's face, and the rest of the group goes into the hole. A fireplace is discovered with hand holds. Roc, after some false starts, begins to climb. The rest stay behind to figure out a 'Ruger sling' to get the wolf up the chimney. (Wolfgang begins to ask about the breaking & entering at the inn.)
Halfway up, Roc can't help touching a strange looking stone. Suddenly, a fire trap starts coming down from above, and he falls back down to join the group.
A very cool spell is quickly memorized and cast by Pearl, and suddenly the group is joined by “Spider-Gnome”. She straps the wolf sling to her and climbs the wall of the chimney, avoiding the odd stone. The rest climb up with some ease.
Next, our heroes find a collection of precious stones. The rogue, not being able to help it, grabs the black sapphire and disappears. Pearl spider climbs above the emerald she grabs so she came jump into the trapdoor. Wolfgang and Roc both grab a stone and go through the trapdoor.
(Out of the game, DM tells the Gnomes to switch places. There are some worried glances and some have a bad feeling about this.)
As it turns out, Pearl and Roc find themselves together in the same hall. While Wolfgang and Onyx are together in another hall. (Wolfgang asks about the break & entering at the inn.) Onyx's gem begins to vibrate and tries to fly away, but Onyx refuses to give up her gem that easy and hangs onto it until it explodes and burns her hands with acid. Pearl's emerald turns into a swarm of fire spiders and earns a hole in her pack. And finally, Wolfgang finds himself (plus Ruger) covered under 5 inches of ice thanks to his gem. onyx cools burnt hands.
Pearl and Roc get the worse of the bad gems as they try to rid themselves of the fiery storm. A fumbled ray of frost hits the wall, and the lighting gauntlets kill some. But the ice storm finally kill them all off.
Meanwhile, Wolfgang communicates with Onyx (one blink= yes, 2= no). She holds up an oil lamp and some tinder twigs (2 blinks). She holds up her crossbow and flaming arrow (many blinks). She holds up a miner's pick (many blinks). Finally, she just starts a fire near his feet and waits for the ½ elf and his wolf to melt.
Both pairs find doors with riddles. Pearl and Roc apparently answer correctly because their door opens.
Wolfgang and Onyx are wrong and begin to explore their surroundings. (Wolfgang asks again about the breaking & entering at the inn.) They find another door, which after many attempts to unlock it or break it down, turns out to just push open. The room leads to a big Wrasp. Wolfgang finally gets to turn into a bear and kills the monster.
Roc and Pearl find a Salamander with a flaming spear. Pearl hits it with lighting for 27 points, Roc hits it dead and gets his axe! Pearl finds a glowing dagger, and they both start grabbing all glowing weapons. The separated heroes decided to make camp and find each other next time.
Tune in next time for the continuing adventures of Spider-Gnome and Prickle's ...I mean, Na-athar's Dungeon.
The Tally:
# of times a ½ elf turned into a bear: 1
# of times the Paladin “laid hands” to heal: we tried to look away
# of times the inn break-in was asked about: 6
# the prayer hands were used: 2
# of whores saved: 0

What a wonderful way to spend the evening!