This adventure involves 3 unlikely heroes attempting to save the world by collecting very powerful ability diamonds before an evil Wizard named Lazareth.
Tolquin the archer
Mara the Druid
Gunther the Wizard & Lyda and NPC cleric
After a short recap so we all knew where we were, we got started. Of course everyone had a good time looking at their inventory and going, "Why on earth do I have a Harpy ear in my inventory?" The best one was our crazy Wizard named Gunther who actually has "his old left arm in a scroll case." The amazing part of this is that none of the four of us can remember how that came to be.

So anyway, they were off to the tavern in Myewiz to figure out where the dungeon in this town (that was assumed to have the Wisdom Diamond) was located. The surly barkeep wasn't much help, but they were on their way only after the druid was driven to drink (alot) by the antics of the other 2. The first surprise of the evening was that Tolquin (not known for his puzzle solving abilities) solved the entrance riddle with ease.
Once inside, they found a corridor covered in plants and 2 boulders came rolling out at them. Each handled this in their own way, the archer pulled out his Immovable Rod and was sure that this would stop them. The druid turned into a bat and without warning attempted to pick up the human wizard as he was attempting to cast a spell. The NPC halfling that travels with them stood directly under the rod and prayed for the best. Luckily for them it was all an illusion.
They also found a fountain with a statue that Gunther liked the looks of, "Hey pretty lady, come here often?". And they had to trick an annoying talking door into saying it's own name (another score for Tolquin). Tolquin found a room with Night Hags by himself, but quickly brought them to the rest of the party. They entered a room with what was thought to be a simple pit trap to jump, until Tolquin fell in, twice. They also killed a beholder while Lyda slept and Gunther was turned to stone. Gunther quickly ran to the beholder body and cut out the giant eye claiming, "Where is it? I thought beauty was in the eye of the beholder!" badum bum
They solved a few more puzzles, nearly got their ass handed to them by a horned devil, and quickly dispatched the adult blue dragon guarding the last room. Here's a quick lowdown in HN style:
# Creatures turned into by druid: at least 3 (also tried to pass as a 'really evil wizard')
# puzzles solved by Tolquin: 2
# bizarre but typical Gunther antics: 3
other creatures summoned to fight: wolves, lions & unicorns (oh my)
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