This was going to be an interesting time in a couple of different ways: first, we were supposed to be playing this game while camping, which ended up not happening due to weather. Second, the Captain's niece and nephew (Kristin and Matthew) were joining us for the quest. Finally, it was the debut adventure for new DM Kimba.
Seen previously in Alex's campaign:
Olivet, the renowned bard
Firn, the butt kicking monk
Balen Thunderaxe, the cleaving dwarf
Kat the Sorceress, with her familiar Luna
Bobby the half orc Barbarian played by Matthew
Elly Bell the adorable gnome illusionist played by Kristin
The previous four had recently suffered a loss to their party. They said a quick goodbye to Silver Fang the barbarian and Greenie the rogue, and began looking for replacements.
They found a half-orc with a gnome on its shoulders that would probably fit the bill.
In the town of Cellular, this newly-formed party discovered that the children of the town have gone missing. Actually, this information is gathered by everyone but the underage half-orc, who has consumed six pints of ale.
After leaving the tavern to consult with the mayor, Bobby randomly punches a house window, then attempts to loot an empty house. Elly Belle the Gnome casts Dancing Lights, which distracts Bobby. Olivet the Bard breaks out into a rendition of "Thriller" in a tribute to Michael Jackson.
The mayor regales the company with tales of the missing children, clues, etc. Fourteen children are missing, and there are rumors of witches and dragons. The adventurers quickly take up the task of finding out where they have gone.
Bobby and Balen declare their "bromance", which is a platonic frienship between two this case, two men who loves axes.
Highlights of the night include:
1. Dire squirrels attack! Balen takes out like five at one time, Firn punches one out of the tree (a la pinata), and a couple of magic missiles and double-axes later - squirrel carcasses litter the ground.
2. The ground becomes squishy, and after a Will save, Elly Bell the Gnome and Bobby the Barbarian become terrified, Olivet fumbles his roll and craps his pants out of fear. Turns out the party is now doing battle with a crocodile and a hag (ugly). Balen fumbles and drops his axe, Kat flings magic missiles, Firn uses Stunning Fists, and Balen ends the battle by whaling on both croc and hag. Bobby apologizes for doing nothing during the fracas. Olivet cuts open the croc and discovers a pouch and a ring.
3. The party travels on and spies a white, encircled structure. Bobby rushes into the building, the party follows, the half-orc keeps running into....a murder of crows! There is much punching, axing, crossbowing, and fireballing that follows. A weird guy shows up in the middle of the reason why, but he's not around long. Soon, all crows are dead.
4. The hallways are confusing, doorways here and there, corridors that wind along - it is one freaky maze. Elly does some wall climbing (spider climb), and notices some skeletons piled in one corner of a room that the party cannot see into yet.
5. Skeleton Party! Elly the Gnome chooses to investigate the pile of bones, while the rest of the party seems bent on Skeleton Annihilation. Kat the Sorceress fireballs four in one go. In general, there is a bunch of hacking and slashing, while the Bard inspires courage in the party. The battle ends, the skeletons die (again), and Kat finds a ring in the midst of the bone piles.
There were two children not quite dead found in that room also. Time to rest.
Thus ends another good night of gaming. Well done, Kimba, Kristin, and Matthew.
Happy One Year Anniversary to the Gamers!

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