I wanted to get something up here while I still remembered anything, even though I have no notes, I'm giving it a shot, bear with me.
These are the things I remember from this adventure:
Mercutio decides for some reason to turn himself in to the sheriff's office, I missed most of this interchange, but the Captain didn't help him, and Andromeda fed his owl. Willow was in the tavern gathering information ranger style.
The Druid met a guy out in the wilderness who would travel with them halfway home, safety in numbers sort of thing. The others assume he is simply Andromeda's latest conquest, failing to realize there's something different about Teowynn.
The boat was attacked by a couple of similar creatures as before. Then a pirate ship attacked, the captain immediately ordered the druid to become an octopus and tear at the bottom of the ship. The sorcerer flew around for a while, captain fired ballistas, Willow increased some stats, and the lion & wolverine crouched waiting for a pirate to set foot on deck.
On to the much better recap from our talented if not timely D&D Scribe:
June 13, 2009 - On the high seas
The seafaring party had reached their destination of Port Tolie, to load up on "good iron" to take back to the city of Prymp. This loading and preparing freed up our trusty Company as they pursued their own interest around town. Mercutio the Sorcerer was especially facing a sticky dilemma. You see, he had just reduced a fairly innocent half-orc to a puddle of goo. For no real apparent reason. He was reminded of the fact that he is of LAWFUL NEUTRAL alignment.
So, he decided to turn himself in. Conversation goes something like this:
Merc: (tearfully) So, yes, I did it. (he reaches into his robes, an attempt to cast Charm Person)
Sheriff: What are you doing?
Merc: Uh, checking my magic.
Sheriff: You need to stop that.
Merc: Wait a minute.
Mercutio is thrown in jail for the night, put under the custody of Bella, and essentially asked to never return to the town.
Meanwhile, Willow the Ranger has spent the last day out and about gathering information about the evil bandit tribe rumors. Andromeda the Druid has a "Twilight-esque" interlude (think meadows) with another druid named Taewynn. The crew he's with is having pirate attack issues as well, so it looks like they'll be accompanying Andromeda's party back to Blue, where they'll head back for their home of Safeton. Captain Bella, having just stolen her lover's money pouch after a night of hot sex, okays this arrangement.
And so we are off! Next stop is the port of Gradsul!
Battles Recap:
1. Two sea dinosaurs
a. One goes for the Captain's wheel, is then slayed by lightning bolt and arrow rainstorm.
b. Bella and Andromeda take major damage and are hurtin'.
c. Willow gets a major ouchie after being bit, and Taewynn kills the second sea dino.
2. Swarm of sea wasps (6)
a. Mercutio casts ice storm on the whole lot. More arrows and sword-swinging ensues.
b. Willow is stung and poisoned.
c. 500 gold pieces is bestowed to each member party by the benevolent, snickerdoodle-loving DM.
d. OOG: Simon the puppy receives a lecture from Andrew about chewing on his Mt. Dew bottle.
3. Dragon Turtle
a. Andromeda goes "Octopussy".
b. An uncomfortable silence after discussion about a "morc" - a cross-breed between merfolk and orcs...thus creating the perfect favored enemy for Willow.
c. Many shots, tentacle whipping, and another ice storm.
d. Musings about this topic: Could dragon turtle/giant octopus sex indeed be possible?
e. Willow does a ginormous 'Six Million Dollar Man' jump onto turtle's back.
f. Mercutio summons a mephit (aka muppet), who then frostbites the turtle's eyeballs. This is appreciated by all as it lowers the turtle's Armor Class, making it easier to hit.
After the DT dies, the party is hit by the leveling beam TWICE. Much reveling (and leveling) ensues. Three of the party members take a prestige class to join Captain Bella, who is already a Rogue/Dread Pirate.
Andromeda: Druid/Deepwoods Sniper
Willow: Ranger/Bloodhound
Mercutio: Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple
Continuing onwards, Fizz the owl spots an oncoming ship - PIRATES! Andromeda morphes into a giant octopus and essentially rips the ship in half. Other members of the party applaud from the deck, although Willow gets a shot off on someone who looks like the captain. As he slumps over, dead, the other escaping pirates dump his body overboard.
The ship is looted as it sinks. The rest of the journey is uneventful, the Nightshade (and others) reach the port of Gradsul, and the adventure is over for the night.
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