Pearl the wizard gnome with Prickles the hedgehog
Onyx the Rogue (&Pearls twin)
Roc the Paladin
Wolfgang the Druid with his trusty wolf Ruger
Our adventurer's started off in the same dungeon, where against all odds we managed to save the town. This is after the rogue kicked the paladin through a white substance while he was attempting to pray for guidance. The group had to tell the townspeople about the few who were not saved, and the Paladin gave a, let's say, interesting Eulogy since the priest was missing.
At this point the paladin became primarily focused on obtaining a white warhorse to use as his mount, and little else seemed to matter. The party journeyed back to see Rock's sister and the clergy in the next town over, now realizing that Father M is their primary mission. After discovering that there was no mount to be had, they made their way back to the church. The golden statue transported all (eventually, once the paladin was concerned with the rest of the group again) to a new dungeon with a neat aquarium room at the beginning.
They immediately slew a Hydra and a Dragon, allowing for a level up beam. They also found treasure stored in demonic church pews. Then they reached the infamous demon orb room. A really creepy room with many different style of demons holding glowing orbs. The wizard touched the first orb, and felt a good spell cast on herself. Heartened by this, the paladin ran to the end of the hall, touched the red orb and disappeared.
The wizard attempted to follow, but found that touching the now not glowing orb didn't help. A nearby gold one suited her fancy, and she touched it and disappeared as well. The druid vanished after touching the silver orb. The rogue, now being left to her own devices, decided to run along the chamber and touch each of the remaining orbs, resulting in firey bear claws of death attached to a blind gnome bouncing off the walls.

The paladin quickly dispatched a manticore. The paranoid wizard cast lightening on a pond only to discover that shocker lizards are immune to lightening (thanks B!!

Roc decides to touch the remaining orbs and grows over 20ft tall, then gets frozen. The party decided to camp with a 20ft paladin keeping watch.

This adventure was full of great moments, sorry if I missed any.

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